24 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand (Matthew 14)

At that Time, When Jesus Walked the Earth, Jesus was a kind and wise teacher who traveled through towns and cities, teaching people about the love and compassion of God. Many people followed him to hear his words and witness his miracles.
One day, a large crowd had gathered on a hill by the sea to listen to Jesus. People came from all over, some walking for days just to be near Him. They were so excited to hear his teachings that they forgot to bring food.
As time passed, the crowd began to get hungry, and some were becoming concerned. But Jesus saw the people's need and said to his disciples, "Give them something to eat."
The disciples were surprised because they did not have enough food. They only had five loaves of bread and two fish, clearly not enough to feed such a large crowd. But Jesus had a plan.
He took the five loaves and two fish, blessed them, and then began breaking them into small pieces. The disciples watched in amazement as the pieces of bread and fish continued to appear in their hands. Jesus continued blessing and breaking the food until they had enough to feed everyone.
Then Jesus instructed his disciples to distribute the food among the crowd. They started handing out the pieces of bread and fish, and something amazing happened: the food never ran out! Everyone ate until they were full, and there were still leftovers.
After everyone had been fed, Jesus told his disciples to gather up the leftover pieces so that nothing would go to waste. They collected twelve baskets full of leftovers!
The crowd was amazed by this miracle. They had seen how Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish to feed everyone. They recognized that Jesus was a special man, a man sent by God.
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Cristiano Lector

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