12 The story of Ruth and Naomi (Book of Ruth)

A long time ago, among the small real stories in the Bible, it is said that in a small town called Bethlehem, there lived a woman named Naomi. Naomi had a daughter named Ruth. They lived together and took care of each other, having gone through difficult times.
One day, a great famine struck the land of Bethlehem, and life became even more difficult for Naomi and Ruth. They decided to journey to Moab, a neighboring land, in search of food and a better life.
In Moab, Naomi and Ruth started a new life. However, after some time, Naomi lost her husband and her two sons. She felt very sad and alone in a strange place.
Ruth, being a faithful and caring woman, decided to stay with Naomi and take care of her in her grief. Ruth said to Naomi, "Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God." Ruth was willing to stay with Naomi and be a part of her family.
Ruth and Naomi returned together to Bethlehem when the famine in Moab ended. Upon their return, they started working in the fields, gleaning behind the reapers to have enough food.
It turned out that the fields where they worked belonged to a generous and kind man named Boaz. Boaz noticed Ruth and treated her with kindness and respect. Boaz was a relative of Naomi and had the duty to take care of the widows in his family.
One day, Naomi had an idea to secure Ruth's future. She asked Ruth to dress in her best clothes and present herself at night at the threshing floor, where Boaz would be sleeping. Ruth followed Naomi's instructions and approached Boaz with respect and humility.
Boaz was moved by Ruth's courage and faithfulness. He told her he was willing to do whatever was necessary to secure her well-being. Boaz spoke with the city leaders and, after following the proper procedures, married Ruth.
Ruth and Boaz lived happily and had a son, and Naomi found solace in her extended family. The story of Ruth and Naomi teaches us the importance of faithfulness, kindness, and the importance of caring for others, even in difficult times. Ruth was an exemplary daughter-in-law and friend.
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Cristiano Lector

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