In a distant land called Persia, there lived a girl named Esther. Esther was a brave and beautiful girl who lived with her uncle Mordecai, as she had no parents. Esther's life changed when the king of Persia, named Ahasuerus, decided to seek a new queen.
The king organized a beauty contest in which all the young women of Persia could participate, and Esther decided to enter the contest. Though she was afraid, her uncle Mordecai encouraged and supported her. When her turn came, the king was impressed by her beauty and chose her as the new queen of Persia.
Esther, although now a queen, did not forget her roots or her uncle Mordecai. She continued to be kind and considerate to everyone around her. Mordecai used to sit near the palace gate to make sure Esther was safe.
One day, Mordecai heard an evil plan. One of the king's advisors, Haman, wanted to harm the Jews, including Mordecai and Esther. Haman convinced the king to issue a decree allowing all the Jews to be persecuted and harmed.
Mordecai was very worried and sent a message to Esther to ask for help. He told her that she must go to the king and tell him about Haman's evil plan to save her people. But going to the king uninvited was very dangerous, as it could cost her life.
Esther knew she had to do something brave. She dressed in her best clothes and appeared before the king. The king received her lovingly and asked her what she desired. Esther invited the king and Haman to a special banquet that she had prepared.
At the banquet, Esther finally revealed Haman's evil plan and asked the king to protect her people, the Jews. The king was shocked by Haman's betrayal and promised to help Esther and her people.
Haman was punished, and the king issued a new decree allowing the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies. Thanks to Esther's bravery, her people were saved from persecution.
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