14 he Fall of Jericho (Joshua 6)

This is a real and written story. Long ago, in a city called Jericho, there was a great wall that surrounded the city. Jericho was known for being a strong and powerful city, and its inhabitants felt secure behind its high walls.
One day, a brave man named Joshua was leading the people of Israel. God had promised Joshua and his people that He would give them the land of Canaan as their home. Jericho was one of the cities in their way to the promised land.
God gave Joshua a special plan to take Jericho. He told him that for six days, the Israelites should march around the city once a day, while seven priests carried ram's horn trumpets and played music. On the seventh day, they were to march around the city seven times and then blow the trumpets.
Joshua explained the plan to the people, and although it sounded strange, they all trusted in God and followed it. For six days, they marched around Jericho once a day, and the priests blew the trumpets. The inhabitants of Jericho watched from behind their walls with curiosity.
Then the seventh day arrived. The Israelites circled Jericho seven times, as God had instructed, and the priests blew the trumpets with strength. Joshua shouted, "Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!" Then, all the people shouted joyfully.
At that moment, something astonishing happened. The walls of Jericho trembled and collapsed. The walls that had protected the city for so long came down, and the Israelites advanced toward the city.
Joshua and his people entered Jericho and took it peacefully. God had given them the victory just as He had promised. The Israelites felt grateful and knew that God was with them at every step of their journey to the promised land.
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Cristiano Lector

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