7 The Crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 14)

In that time, in the land of Egypt, lived the Israelites, a people tired of being slaves. They longed for freedom and the opportunity to live in a new and beautiful land. Moses, a brave leader, guided the Israelites and sought a way to free them from slavery.
One day, Moses and the Israelites received exciting news. God told them that the time had come to journey towards freedom and the promised land. With hearts full of hope, they began their journey.
But when the pharaoh, the king of Egypt, learned that the Israelites were leaving, he changed his mind and pursued them with his army. The Israelites found themselves trapped between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea. They were afraid and didn't know what to do.
In that moment of despair, Moses turned to God and prayed. God answered him and told him not to be afraid. Then, something wonderful happened. God made a strong wind blow all night, dividing the waters of the Red Sea and creating a dry path through the water.
The Israelites, with amazement and joy, began to walk on the path that God had opened in the sea. The walls of water rose on both sides of them, as if they were giant guardians of water.
When the Egyptian army tried to follow them, the waters returned and covered the soldiers and chariots of the pharaoh. The Israelites were safe, and they had miraculously crossed the Red Sea to freedom.
On the other shore, the Israelites sang and danced with joy. They knew that God had performed a great miracle to set them free. Moses led his people to the promised land, where they would finally find the freedom and peace they had been seeking.
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Cristiano Lector

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