34 The Parable of the Mustard Seed Sower (Matthew 13)

Once upon a time, there was a farmer named Peter who had a small garden in his backyard. Peter loved taking care of his plants and watching them grow. One day, Peter decided to plant some mustard seeds in his garden.
The mustard seeds were very tiny, but Peter carefully planted them in the soil. He then watered and tended to them every day. Over time, the seeds began to grow, and what Peter saw was astonishing.
From the small mustard seeds, a huge plant grew. It was so large that its branches extended and provided shade in the garden. Neighborhood birds came to rest on its branches and sing cheerfully.
Peter marveled at how something as small as a mustard seed could become something so big and beautiful. He knew that Jesus had told a parable about the Kingdom of God using the image of a mustard seed.
Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is like a tiny mustard seed that, when planted, grows and becomes a large bush, so that the birds of the sky come and nest in its branches.
Peter understood the meaning of this parable. The Kingdom of God starts small, like a seed in our hearts, but it grows and becomes great when we nurture it with love, kindness, and faith. The Kingdom of God is like the mustard plant in his garden, providing shelter and blessings to all around it.
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Cristiano Lector

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