33 The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10)

Once upon a time, there was a man living in a small village. One day, this man decided to take a long journey on a dangerous road. He packed his bag and started his journey early in the morning.
As he walked along the dusty road, he was suddenly attacked by a group of bandits. They beat him, robbed him of his belongings, and left him lying by the roadside, wounded and helpless.
Some time passed, and a priest passed by the same road. The priest saw the injured man, but instead of stopping to help, he continued walking on the other side of the road. He thought he had more important matters to attend to at the temple.
After a while, another man, a Levite, passed the same place and saw the injured man on the ground. Like the priest, the Levite decided to move on without helping. He also had things to do and didn't want to dirty his hands.
But then, a third man arrived at the scene. He was a Samaritan, a person from a different group than the wounded man. The Samaritan saw the man on the ground and felt compassion for him. He came closer and took care of his wounds. Then he lifted him and took him to a nearby inn, where he paid for his stay and care.
The Samaritan told the innkeeper that if it was necessary to spend more money to take care of the man, he would do so when he returned. After ensuring that the man was comfortable, the Samaritan continued his journey.
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Cristiano Lector

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