1 The Creation and the First Man (Genesis 1-2)

Once upon a time, in a place where time did not exist and darkness covered everything, there was a supreme Being called God. God was a being full of love and power, and one day He decided to create something wonderful: the world and everything that dwells in it.
In the beginning, there was nothing but a vast ocean of dark and shapeless waters. But God, with His powerful voice, said, "Let there be light," and in the blink of an eye, light appeared. God saw that the light was good, and He called it "day," while He called the darkness "night." Thus, He began to create the cycle of day and night.
Then, God separated the waters of the sky from the waters of the Earth, creating a space called "sky." And on the Earth, He formed the dry land and the oceans. God made the earth produce plants, trees, and brightly colored flowers. Each one was unique and special.
God continued His creation, filling the sky with birds that flew gracefully and the oceans with fish that swam in their depths. On the land, He created animals, large and small, that moved and played in the beauty of His creation.
But God knew that His most special work was yet to come. God took some dust from the earth and carefully formed a being in His image and likeness. Then, God breathed His breath into the figure of clay, and this figure came to life. It was a human being, the first of its kind. God called this human being "Adam."
Adam was alone in the beautiful garden that God had created, called Eden. However, God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone, so He took one of Adam's ribs and created his companion, whom He called "Eve." Adam and Eve loved and cared for each other, living in harmony in the garden.
God gave Adam and Eve the responsibility of caring for the Earth and all living beings. He gave them a world full of beauty and life, and told them they could enjoy everything they had created, except for one particular tree, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
However, the serpent, cunning and deceitful, tempted Eve to eat from the fruit of the forbidden tree. Influenced by the serpent, Eve took a bite and then offered it to Adam. As a result, they lost their innocence and knew good and evil.
In His love and mercy, God forgave them, but taught them about the consequences of their actions. Despite their mistake, God continued to care for them and all His creation, reminding them that they could always return to His love and guidance.
And so, in the beginning, God created the world and everything in it, including human beings, with love and care. The story of creation teaches us that we must care for and preserve this beautiful gift that God has given us, showing love and gratitude for all life on Earth.
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Cristiano Lector

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